Welcome to Blondie's Flick Find. This is a collection of reviews for film's greatest and not so great moments told from a very random blonde girl. Please sit back and enjoy. Thanks!

The Children-Stu

The Children

Directed by Tom Shankland

Starring some crazy Brits

Two couples get together for the Holidays. The kids and the parents enjoy spending time with family, with the exception of the teenage rebel and the sick kid. They share stories, laughs, and everything is like a British Norman Rockwell painting. They then discover that the sick kid may have more than just the flu. As the hours go by, things become scary. The children turn into evil murderous demons. Will the adults survive?

This story has it all. Teenage angst. Vomiting children. Sledding injuries. Even sexual tension between an underage goth and her uncle. It is British, but that is all it has going for it. The kids aren’t even creepy, which is what you would ask for in a creepy kid movie.

I give this 1 bloody hand print


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